The advent of the digital age extends modern means of communication: videoconferences, online chats, the use of videos, photos, MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), social networks… and the exponential increase in sending emails! All of these data go through data centers containing hundreds of hard...

The world paper production is constantly growing and it reaches more than 400 tons per year, which represents about 13 kg of paper produced each second. Paper consumption continues to increase faster than production capabilities. This paper production breaks down as follows:packaging and wrapping paper:...

Strawberries in February, tomatoes in December, pears in June, grapes in April…These products have a disastrous ecological footprint and they are the result of an ever more intensive agriculture (massive use of phytosanitary products polluting soils and water resources while destroying biodiversity), and far more...

Every minute, the equivalent of a waste truck full of plastic is being dumped in the ocean. Over the last 10 years, the industry has produced more plastics than in the preceding 100 years at a global level. The percentage has even reached + 620%...

 Il existe de par le monde des milliers d’associations, de fondations, d’Organisations Non Gouvernementales qui œuvrent pour un monde plus solidaire, plus juste, plus équitable, plus éthique, plus sain, plus respectueux de la nature et de la biodiversité… Certaines d’entre elles sont locales et concentrent...